What's an E-Bike?

  • Equipped with pedals and may be used as a normal bicycle
  • Authorized to travel on bike paths and roads with a 70 km/h limit
  • Helmet is the only requirement
  • No driving license required for people 18 years of age or over
  • Class 6D driving license required for people aged from 14 to 18 years old
  • No additional fees! No license plate or insurance required!




No exhaust, no gasoline engine, only an electric motor, which is virtually silent. Gone is the infernal noise, it can be used anywhere without disturbing the neighbors. Perfect for camping, bike paths, residential, recreational and tourist centers as well as city centers.

Not consuming any gasoline or oil, electric bikes and scooters produce no greenhouse gas emissions, representing a promising solution to the fight against air pollution.

Price of gasoline still rising, bicycles and electric scooters consume only a small amount of electrical energy.

They simply connect to a standard electrical outlet and consume only 1.65 to 2 kw/h for a full battery charge, providing a 40 to 70 km autonomy, depending of the model.

To cover a 250 km run between Montreal and Quebec City, it would cost only between $0.50 and $0.75!

Comfort and energy efficiency